


By E. Rakus. University of Pittsburgh.

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As no curative treatment is as yet available discount tritace 2,5 gm, treatment of Friedreich’s ataxia has traditionally focussed on management of its complications, particularly cardiomyopathy, impaired glucose tolerance, and scoliosis. Friedreich’s ataxia is caused by a GAA trinucleotide expansion in the gene for frataxin, a protein impli- cated in mitochondrial iron metabolism. This finding has prompted therapeutic trials with idebenone, a non-FDA-approved antioxidant and short-chain analog of coen- zyme Q. Idebenone (5 mg=kg=day) has shown promise for treatment of the cardio- myopathy associated with Friedreich’s ataxia in early trials, but did not demonstrate any benefit to the neurologic features of this disorder. Neuropathies Secondary to Inborn Errors of Metabolism In recent years advances in treatment of a number of genetic conditions have enabled symptomatic or curative treatment of a range of neuropathies associated with inborn errors of metabolism (Table 2). Important recent advances include the licensing in the United States of recombinant alpha-galactosidase A enzyme for the treatment of Fabry disease, where it has been shown to minimize neuropathic pain and to sta- bilize renal function. Outcome of adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) and adrenomyelo- neuropathy (AMN) has been improved with treatment of adrenocortical insufficiency, dietary supplementation with Lorenzo’s oil, and restricted dietary intake of very long chain fatty acids. Bone marrow transplantation has demon- strated efficacy in early symptomatic cases of childhood-onset cerebral ALD, but is not indicated in primary AMN and has not been shown to affect the neuropathy sometimes associated with AMN. Peripheral neuropathy is a prominent feature of some mitochondrial disorders such as Leigh syndrome and neuropathy, ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa (NARP). Neuropathies Secondary to Chronic Systemic Disease The neuropathies secondary to chronic renal failure and diabetes are often subclini- cal during childhood and may improve with improved metabolic control of the 184 Ouvrier et al. In end-stage renal failure, transplantation is the only really effective treatment. Compared to adults, when children suffer from serious systemic illness a secondary polyneuropathy is relatively infrequent.

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In the case of a substitution cheap tritace 2,5 gm online, the result may be that Enzymes are large protein molecules that catalyze a the wrong amino acid is used to build the protein. If even one amino take, as demonstrated by sickle cell anemia, may have grave acid in the enzyme is changed, the enzyme may lose its cat- consequences. These chem- all proteins in the body require all of the essential amino acids icals are produced by glands and trigger metabolic processes in their synthesis. In cases in which there is an on- Important neurotransmitters that are created from amino going deficiency of one or more essential amino acids, an acids include serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid. Hormones that require amino acids for starting more grave because the intestines lose their ability to extract materials include thyroxine (the hormone produced by the thy- nutrients from whatever food is consumed. Children are more roid gland), and auxin (a hormone produced by plants). Kwashiorkor often accompanies conditions of famine and A class of chemicals important for both neurotransmit- starvation. The See also Bacterial growth and division; Biochemistry; Cell amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine are the building mate- cycle (eukaryotic), genetic regulation of; Cell cycle (prokary- rials for catecholamines, which are used as source material for otic), genetic regulation of; Cell cycle and cell division; both neurotransmitters and for hormones. Chromosomes, eukaryotic; Chromosomes, prokaryotic; DNA Amino acids also play a central role in the immune sys- (Deoxyribonucleic acid); Enzymes; Genetic regulation of tem. Allergic reactions involve the release of histamine, a eukaryotic cells; Genetic regulation of prokaryotic cells; chemical that triggers inflammation and swelling. Histamine is Genotype and phenotype; Molecular biology and molecular a close chemical cousin to the amino acid histidine, from genetics which it is manufactured. Melatonin, the chemical that helps regulate sleep cycles, and melanin, the one that determines the color of the skin, are AMINOGLYCOSIDE ANTIBIOTICS • see both based on amino acids. Although the names are similar, the activities and component parts of these compounds are ANTIBIOTICS quite different. Melatonin uses tryptophan as its main building block, and melanin is formed from tyrosine. An individual’s AMYLOID PLAQUES • see BSE AND CJD DISEASE melanin production depends both on genetic and environmen- tal factors. Proteins in the diet contain amino acids that are used ANAEROBES AND ANAEROBIC within the body to construct new proteins.

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